New Arts and Homelessness International Awards launched

- News
UK based charity, Arts & Homelessness International, has launched its first ever international awards. The Awards will recognise excellence in the sector of arts and homelessness, and celebrate projects and individuals from across the world.
There are 6 awards categories* recognising the outstanding work and achievements of individuals and organisations.The selection of winners will be determined by an independent panel of judges who are experts in their field, and people with personal experience of homelessness.
Each award winner will receive a one-of-a-kind award created by Arts & Homelessness International’s co-director and acclaimed artist David Tovey. Winners of all categories will be invited to be part of the judging panel the following year.
The awards are open to any UK-based registered charity, or international charity, or artist. You can nominate yourself or someone else, by the 6 November 2023 deadline. A special online event and award ceremony is due to take place on 15 December 2023.
The International Network of Street Papers (INSP), as the network organisation for newspapers and magazines sold by homeless people internationally, has been selected to be a partner for the Awards, alongside other organisations including Amuzn, Invisible People and Media Storm.
Mike Findlay-Agnew, Chief Executive of INSP, comments: “For people that have experienced homelessness, poverty and other forms of hardship, involvement in the arts and creativity is one way they can have their experiences and voices elevated and heard.
“The connections between the arts and improved health and wellbeing is clear, which is why I am excited that Arts & Homelessness International has launched these Awards to give recognition to people and organisations working in this field. I would encourage anyone considering it to be daring! Submit for an award.”
*The 6 categories for the Arts & Homelessness International Awards are as follows:
Arts/Homelessness Project of the year
A charity, NGO or project working specifically in the field of arts and homelessness. The award will be given to a project that can demonstrate significant positive impact in some way in the homelessness community. The project can be of any size or age but your work must focus on arts and homelessness.
Cultural Space of the Year
A museum, gallery, arts centre, library or park which has deepened access and involvement for homeless people. The award will go to a cultural space which has actively decided/committed to work with people who are homeless and the measures you have put in place to make this happen.
Homeless Centre of the Year
A homeless shelter, day centre, hostel, agency etc that has an exceptional creative programme. The centre which can demonstrate that arts is fully integrated into the programme and what the results have been.
Co-creation Champion of the Year
An individual or organisation excelling in enabling equality of voice and power for people who are/have been homeless. A person or organisation which will demonstrate true, authentic co-creation where there is evidence of power sharing all the way through the organisation from programme to staffing.
Policy Changemaker of the Year
A policy-maker or individual of any discipline who has enabled tangible change in policy regarding arts and homelessness or in homelessness policy using the arts. This award will go to someone or a group who can demonstrate that their work has affected change in policy in arts and homelessness (e.g. getting arts into local government plans/strategies) or homelessness policy using the arts (e.g. public art that enabled a change in policy).
Creative of the Year
Awarded to a creative of any discipline who is or has been homeless. This award will go to someone who can demonstrate that arts has been beneficial to their lives or the lives of other people in the homeless community; or you have had other success as a creative. You can be a creative of any artistic discipline.